Drainage improvement near Waitara Station

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Drainage improvement near Waitara Station

Client: Transport NSW


With Sydney receiving increasingly frequent episodes of torrential rain, Transport NSW needed solutions to improve drainage in and around underground tunnels without disrupting heritage listed sewerage and storm water pipes along the Metro North-West line.


Sydney’s changing weather patterns are having a detrimental affect on transport users, particularly in the North West corridor.

While the line between Chatswood and North Ryde was redeveloped recently, sections of the line are prone to flooding when excessive rain falls because pumps installed in the original ‘retro-fitted’ section of tunnel are unable to cope with the volumes of water, undermining the reliability of the new Metro system.

Solutions to the flooding include clearing overgrown vegetation and improving drainage in suburban areas surrounding the underground tunnels. However, the areas surrounding the tunnel along the Metro North West Line are rich with heritage listed sewerage and storm water pipes that need to be protected.



After reviewing the drains and culverts in the area, the Summit team proposed to clear large sections of vegetation and overgrowth in the surrounding areas, to provide a free flowing drainage system, reducing the likelihood of flooding during heavy downpours, and alleviating the pressure on the pumps in the tunnel.

Once on site, the team got to work with excavators. While work progressed quickly, operators soon realised they were operating close to heritage listed drainpipes and a change of approach was required. With one meter to go, the Summit team hand dug the remainder of the drain to ensure the structural integrity of the pipes.



From the outset, the Summit team approached the project prioritising planning and effective project management for maximum safety and heightened awareness of any heritage structures they might encounter.

As a result of such focused planning, as well as teamwork, collaboration and open communication, the Summit team were able to deliver the drainage upgrade and restore the Metro service to commuters in North West Sydney without delay.

Transport NSW was thrilled Summit worked hard to mitigate any damage to the heritage listed pipes along College Cresent and Waitara station, at the same time as minimising the tunnel flooding issues and restoring North West Metro service with effective solutions.

The project was successfully realised, on time and within budget. Transport for NSW was reassured to partner with an experienced team to ensure these historic tunnels are protected for the future.

Contact Summit today to discuss your requirements