Westmead Innovation Quarter

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Greening Office Space

Client: Western Sydney University


Never before has wellbeing been more in focus. Green spaces, even within commercial buildings, have been proven to provide positive health and productivity benefits to end-users and business owners.  

Western Sydney University’s Westmead Innovation Quarter (IQ) is an extraordinary $350 million high-tech hub of world-class health, medical and education research located in the heart of Westmead. 

As part of the development, WSU and its project team of industry and government partners looked for a horticultural services partner to deliver an indoor plant installation to the highest specification.

Summit Open Space Services was awarded the contract and tasked with installing and maintaining the plants whilst considering a unique combination of tenants including research, health and education providers, and business operators.


As construction of the Innovation Quarter neared completion, the task of rolling out installation of planned indoor green spaces across four levels of the hub became important considerations for the combined University, Government and Industry partner project team. 



The Summit Services team took care to plan out the installation and maintenance phases in detail to ensure the project could be delivered in alignment with the overall vision for the innovative.

The installation scope included: 

  • Installation of 480 plants (flush with planter box height).
  • Double potting of Spathiphyllums Peace Lilies as well as potting Epipremnum Aureum (Pothos) and Spathiphyllum Sensation to ensure green spaces would thrive in low light and with minimal, resource-aware watering schedules. 
  • Installation of polished black pebbles to minimise maintenance.
  • Delivery of installation care services including application of liquid fertiliser, additional proteins, vitamins and trace elements. 
  • Removal of any dead foliage and wipe down all leaves with white oil to remove dust.
  • Meticulous cleaning of all surface areas prior to and post installation including vacuuming all floor areas in works areas, and wipe down and cleaning of planter boxes.

This asset has been designed to champion health services, so it was important the green space was designed for the plants to thrive long after the handover date. 

All phases of the installation were progressed manually and with great care, and extensive protective measures were taken to ensure the building did not incur any damage. 

Long term monitoring and maintenance schedules were worked into the overall project plan. This will protect against any adverse effects from the mobilisation of the building, including over watering or overly drying air conditioning systems.



From the outset, the Summit Services team prioritised the delivery of value, for both the everyday users of the space and the asset owners, Western Sydney University.

By working in a highly collaborative manner with the management team, the Summit Services team were able to ensure that any ongoing maintenance would be performed in a manner that is sensitive to tenants, especially during the initial occupation phase.

The project was successfully realised, on time and within budget. Its success adds value to the University’s property portfolio and the experience of the health professionals, medical researchers, educators and related businesses that will use the space.

Contact Summit today to discuss your requirements